Join Dean and Dan as they discuss how an Integrator is essential for a procrastinator.
Transcript: The Joy of Procrastination Ep054
Dean: Mr. Sullivan.
Dan: Mr. Jackson. I'm feeling very festive. This seems like it's festive season right now.
Dean: Is it looking like a winter wonderland up there?
Dan: Yeah, it's just starting. I find the period probably from halfway through November to halfway through December really a high energy period in Toronto.
Dean: That's probably true. And then by the end of Christmas-
Dan: Yeah, it gets really hectic after, like the middle of December, and then disappointment sets in on Christmas day.
Dean: Uh-oh, and then everybody's sick of winter.
Dan: Yeah, and there's looming on the horizon is this very, very ugly experience here in the north called February.
Dean: Yes, exactly. Isn't that funny? This whole, I was sitting out in my hot tub today, this morning, and it is absolutely-
Dan: Thinking about February.
Dean: No, I was thinking about how much I love Florida from November to May. It's just the best place to be.
Dan: Yeah. I mean, I actually am a winter lover.
Dean: Yeah, not me.
Dan: I grew up on a farm in northern Ohio. It's not very different from Toronto. Same sort of terrain, same sort of weather patterns. I used to wander through the fields during the winter time. I got a lot of great freedom memories of just chucking along, thinking about my thinking. So, I've never had a problem with winter, but I do have a problem with February. I think that there's something fundamentally-
Dean: Just skip right through it. Yeah.
Dan: ... unredeemable. There's something unredeemable about February.
Dean: Nothing good ever happens in February.
Dan: No, it's almost like if you can take January-
Dean: Unless you come to Florida. That's the only light at the end of that tunnel.
Dan: Yeah. So, my solution is that you add 14 days to January, and 14 to March.
Dean: Yes. That reminds me.
Dan: It would be like December 45th.
Dean: Or just cut it right off. Just cut it right off.
Dan: December 45th.
Dean: Because then it's faster to get to March.
Dan: And then the next day is March 1st.
Dean: That reminds me of the joke that, like the Newfoundlanders were really excited about Quebec seceding from Canada, because it would be a shorter drive to Ontario.
Dan: Yes, indeed. And you know, they haven't given up hope. Cathy Davis was just there, and apparently St. John's is a really fun city. Have you been?
Dean: Yes, well you know that I am actually from Newfoundland. I was born-
Dan: Yeah, because your father?
Dean: The US Air Force base, so I was there. I lived there for two weeks, but I still get full Newfie credibility because I was actually born on the rock there. So, I'm full Newfie.
Dan: Yeah, a lot of the Americans and others who don't have the inside knowledge that we have. Speaking of inside knowledge.
Dean: Tell me.
Dan: Inside knowledge, okay channel switcher, I was thinking, the whole thing about people get prosecuted for having inside information or somebody cheated by having inside knowledge. And I began thinking about that in the world there's actually only two kinds of knowledge. There's inside knowledge and there's worthless knowledge.
Dean: Yes, that's interesting.
Dan: In other words, to have knowledge means that you have knowledge that's different and better than the knowledge that everybody else has. In other words, if knowledge doesn't have an advantage to it then it's kind of worthless knowledge.
Dean: That's interesting. That fits with something I've been thinking about this week because this has been a very reflective weekend for me here. In the 22nd of November, which was Thanksgiving Day, marked the 30th year of the day I got my real estate license and started my entrepreneurial career and got my first listing and my first sale. But the thing that I was looking back on is I start to realize now, over this 30 years, we talk about the 25 year framework, and I started thinking about, okay, what if I could go back to that period of time, right now just as an exercise to go back to there, and I realized how that's kind of looking at the chapters of my 30 years here. And I really, I spent seven years doing, building my real estate business before partnering up with Joe Stumpf.
Dan: Yes.
Dean: So that seven years though seems like just a blip on that 30-year time frame right now. That reads all as one thing, you know?
Dan: Mm-hmm (affirmative)
Dean: And I thought about going back now knowing, with the knowledge that I have now, after 30 years of thinking about and solving all of these puzzles, how much faster it would be to go right back to the beginning with all the knowledge. So much of the time is really involved in trying to figure this stuff out and do the experimenting. This knowledge is really a-, knowledge is like the fast track and it's really gotten me to where I think about this idea of what we're talking about with the collaborations as game changers. To be able to go back. What I really have the opportunity to do through my Go Go agent. Thing is to give somebody who's starting out now the advantage of this 30 years of knowledge that I've already figured out. Being the who for them in figuring out and pointing them in the right direction of-
Dan: You're the crucial who.
Dean: Yeah.
Dan: You're the crucial who and if they're the right person. So, let me ask you a question.
Dean: Sure.
Dan: If you were looking for mindsets in Go Go agents now, where they are and the criteria would be that they would have the right mindsets to take advantage of the knowledge that you're bringing back to them. What would be the first three mindsets that you'd be looking for in the individuals? Whether it was worth your time to actually share the knowledge or not.
Dean: Yeah, I think that ambition would be the one thing. Like you're saying ten times ambition, like their ambitious in wanting to grow. To grow their business, not that they're just kind of half in and half out of it kind of thing. That I think makes a big difference. I think the general optimism about the future of real estate, because I think a lot of people are pessimistic and fearful.
Dan: Down. A lot talk. The general narrative is negative. Right?
Dean: Yes, exactly. So, it's easy to, even with that, to be, even to try and put on a good face, but to really deep down feel a little bit pessimistic about the future. And realizing that if with that future, so ambition and optimism and a-, what's the word I was thinking of? Well to be abundance might be a good word. Abundant minded, where thinking that there is so much opportunity.
Dan: There's just an enormous amount of opportunity.
Dean: Yes, exactly. And collaborative. I think that really buying into who not how is a big piece.
Dan: Yeah, one of the things that I, just to connect some thoughts, I had last Tuesday. Since our last podcast, I had the best ever sales presentation that I've ever made to new people who are just coming in to see what coaches about. We had about 70 and today I think we're at around 25/26 signups out of the 70. Which is really good. And that will probably end up with six or seven more by the end of 30 days. In other words, we count from the first day to the 30th day is being the results of that sale in the case where they actually say was because of that presentation. So, there's a chance that we'll get up very close to about 50% of the room out of this.
Dean: That's including my friends Chuck and Melissa.
Dan: Yes, indeed. And I'll have check to see where they were. And the thing about it was the entire presentation from start to finish was on who not how. And the new book, which tomorrow I will send by FedEx, the new book Who Not How, is out. I have completely redesigned the entire Strategic Coach program as an upward curve. You've seen that curve, you've seen how I'm designing it.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: But it's who not how is the curves. So, you just get better and better and you give yourself 25 years. You get better and better at who not how. And I had five panelists including, you know Glenn McWhinney?
Dean: Of course I do. Yeah.
Dan: Yeah, he may be in the program because of you. I don't know.
Dean: He is, yes. Yes, for sure.
Dan: He was there as one of my panelists. So, Glenn has been in the program for five years. And we had five different occupations. The longest person was Paul Bourbonniere, who started with me as a one on one coaching client in 1987. I'd see him every quarter for 31 years. My team came up and they were ecstatic about it. Everybody just got it, you know. And I've always felt very constrained by the sales presentations, because I knew too much. I have the curse of knowledge. I knew too much.
Dean: Right.
Dan: And here I only had to know one thing. So, my whole life now I just have to know one thing. And that is I have to know where who not how starts and then just keep adding dimensions to it. But the one thing that I wanted to say, and it had to do with your criteria for the people who could best use your knowledge, and that was 10 times ambition. And I said why 10 times the ambition is crucial is because you won't procrastinate enough to-, 10 times ambition means that you'll really procrastinate a lot. That will naturally move you to 'who not how'. So, they'll see, Dean Jackson is my number one 'who' because he's taking 30 years of tested knowledge in the marketplace and he's making it available to me. So, if I'm one of the Go Go real estate agents, I am not going to try to create the wheel here. I'm going to take advantage of the wheel that somebody else has already created. And I'm convinced that if you don't have 10 times ambition you won't procrastinate enough to get on the 'who not how' track.
Dean: That's fascinating. Because it feels like you can always get around to doubling your business. Pull that out at the end. You could cram and get that done by the end of the year. That's really interesting.
Dan: Just phone 10 strangers before eight o'clock in the morning.
Dean: Yeah.
Dan: Somebody like a real estate broker, manager will say, "Now here's the key, just call 10 strangers before eight o'clock in the morning and your career will be set." It will get you sales, but it will be the same kind of sale for the next 30 years.
Dean: I used to call that the hamster wheel. That's really what that is.
Dan: That's the hamster wheel, yeah.
Dean: That's the hamster wheel. You got to get on and spin that wheel and if you're not spinning it nothing's happening. And that was the big shift for me was discovering flywheels, investing time in things that are going to-
Dan: Wheels that propel themselves.
Dean: Yes, exactly.
Dan: Yeah. Well, here's the interesting thing, if I look at the way that you take cities and you map out them by identifiable, self-defined neighborhoods, you know, so like the beaches.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: You know why I call it the beaches and not the beach?
Dean: Why?
Dan: Because if you go north up a little further, like about five or six blocks north of Queen Street, they call it the upper beaches and I said, "How can there be upper beaches, which aren't actually beaches, if there's not lower beaches?"
Dean: I love that about you. You hold a very lofty position in my regard right now and that just elevated another three levels because it's exactly that same logic that won't allow me to eat at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Because I can't figure any circumstance that Ruth's Chris makes any sense.
Dan: No, there's-
Dean: We have strong principles.
Dan: If you don't have logic with a small thing how can you ever have logic with the big things.
Dean: That's exactly it. That's so funny and true.
Dan: Yeah, but think about the ways that you analyze a real estate that logically speaking with a single customer starting very young, you know, their first real estate person. A really top-notch agent could literally keep that real estate customer within the same neighborhood for their entire buying life just by moving according to your map. The map that you did. And do it. That's inside knowledge. That's what I'm talking about inside knowledge.
Dean: Mm-hmm (affirmative)
Dan: Okay, for example, someone would say "Well, if you're going to upscale you have to start with Forest Hills or you have to start with Rosedale or Lawrence and Yun, you have to just start there." But that's general knowledge, that's not inside knowledge.
Dean: Mm-hmm (affirmative). That's true. That's true. So that's interesting.
Dan: And I'm feeling that all knowledge that makes a difference in the world is actually inside knowledge as opposed to worthless knowledge. A lot of people go-, worthless knowledge is kind of like this car will satisfy you if it's always going downhill.
Dean: Right, right.
Dan: It's having your car go uphill, which is the real inside knowledge.
Dean: With the air conditioner on.
Dan: With the air conditioner on, yeah. So anyway, it's very, very interesting. When I look at more and more what I look at how, let's say, things are explained in the general world, I'd said, "Yeah, but if you follow that knowledge, you'd just be doing what everybody else is doing. You wouldn't have any opportunity to differentiate yourself."
Dean: Yes, that's true. So that kind of information, knowledge, when I think about it now, is that's I think when people reflect on going back to redo something. I wonder just how much it collapses, how it compresses things if you could go back and have that knowledge at the beginning, rather than having to win it.
Dan: But here's the thing, there's an aspect of self-forgiveness about the concept that you have, because I often notice, I don't do it anymore because I really thought it through, but I notice when people talk about, let's say a starting point 30 years ago, and they say, "Gee, I wish I had done this. I wish I'd done that," and everything else, and there's a lack of self-forgiveness. You were actually doing as well as you possibly could have back then. There was no deficiency in either your knowledge or your capability. You were actually, my belief is that all true people's lifetime, they've always been operating at 100% of what they were capable of doing in the moment.
Dean: Yeah, or at 80%, consciously taking the 80% approach. Yes.
Dan: Yeah, but we have room for discussion on this because I've come up with a great new thought since I talked to you last time.
Dean: Oh, I'm in the right place today.
Dan: And it relates directly to what you just said. Okay so here's my thought, there's never any room for improvement. That's the first, it's two sentences. Okay, so the first one is there's never any room for improvement. That's sentence number one.
Dean: Okay.
Dan: Here's sentence number two, I'm just going to give about 10 seconds pause here.
Dean: Okay.
Dan: Just to create a-
Dean: Vamp a little bit.
Dan: Yeah, yeah. Here's the second sentence. Every improvement creates more room.
Dean: Oh, okay.
Dan: There's never any room for improvement, but every improvement creates new room.
Dean: That's awesome. I like that.
Dan: Tell me what hit you about that, because everybody I've said it to it hits them and it's a "Oh, wow."
Dean: That hit me a lot because the thing is that when I look at as part of Go Go Agent, the thing that we focus on is what are these elements that I've laid out as the listing agent lifestyle. And the first five are business elements, you know, things that if you're going to live the listing agent lifestyle you've got to have a way to get listings, you got to have a system for multiplying your listings, you gotta have a system for getting referrals for converting leads and for finding buyers. Those are the business things, the core things. But then the lifestyle elements that drive it are three things I call daily joy, abundant time and financial peace. And when I look at those things, it's some combination never really the knowledge. Certainly, it's the knowledge of what to do in the first five, as far as the business elements go, we got all the tools and everything for them.
But the thing that really, I think limits people is this sense of scarcity of time or urgency of time driven by something less than financial peace.
Dan: Yes.
Dean: And that often those things creates this vicious cycle where they're, you know, not having money requires them to then do things that are less than joyful with the limited amount of time that they have. That's kind of this downward end of it. But if you get to the point where if you have financial peace and you're just doing the things that you enjoy and you're engaged in 'who not how' as a fundamental thing that, just as you're going up on that, that upward curve, just continues to make things better and better and better.
Dan: But the thing is that the room is created by the improvements. So, there's a gap and gain concept here. That the thought "I always have room for improvement" is actually a gap concept. Because you're actually putting the emphasis on what didn't happen or is not happening. In other words, I have room for improvement there, that means that fundamentally I'm failing.
Dean: That's true. Improvement is on the measurement of…
Dan: What happens.
Dean: Based on the past. That's exactly right. That there's room for improvement, right.
Dan: And the thing that I get, you know, is that I've become super sensitive. My ears have gone on high alert, picking up on little phrases that people will just drop throughout the day. And the reason, it was actually I was having breakfast about a week ago with David Angle. You know David of course.
Dean: I do.
Dan: And David's 27, I think 1991, so he's 27 years in the program and he's done wonders. Started off as a printer in Montreal, moved to Toronto and then became a super marketer of what you can do with, especially with direct mail, which our friend Brian Kurtz will tell us, is still the single most powerful form of marketing communication in the digital age. Is writing letter, putting it in an envelope, putting a stamp. And when your postal service is actually working, which ours isn't right now, that mailed letter with a stamp on it actually has about 10 to 12 times greater impact than if you send digital messages.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: Yeah, unless you send a nine-word email.
Dean: That's right.
Dan: Anyway, but the thing is, I said, "Well, how's it going?" He said, "Great, great. Great. Always room for improvement." And I said, "Actually, there isn't. Actually, you have absolutely no room for improvement right now." And he'd just look at me, I said, "No, there isn't any room for improvement. I'd tell you right now, you have absolutely no room for improvement. But if you improve something in the next 90 days it will actually create more room."
Dean: That's such a great mind shift. It really is.
Dan: Well it eliminates woulda shoulda coulda. I think that the three most nefarious words in the English language are 'I could have done that,' 'I would have done that,' 'I should have done that.' I said, "No possibility that you could have done that, that any of that could have happened."
Yeah, so anyway. I just found that and then the way I do, I treat one of these ideas like a seed and I'll plant it here and see if it grows. But everyone I've talked to about this concept, they stop and suddenly and they say, "Oh, I just felt something, just felt better when you said that."
Dean: Yeah.
Dan: And I said, "Just put all of your attention on improvements, the next improvements you're going to make. Don't worry about the room that you're not fulfilling or the room that you're failing to fill. There is no room."
Dean: Yeah. That's awesome. I had this week a similar language thing. I said something that I haven't said which was that you can't same your way to different.
Dan: Oh, right. That's really, I mean it's so funny you should mind, because I read something that resonates with that. And it said, "What you really want is fame, but based on actually achieving things, not fame based on celebrity."
Dean: Mm-hmm.
Dan: Celebrity, I mean, let's see if I can line it up with the thought that you just said. But you can't fame your way.
Dean: Well, sorry, I said same, same is what I said. Same with an 's'. You can't same your way to different.
Dan: Yeah, that's absolutely true.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: Yeah and the reason is is because you only try to fame your way the way that other people are faming their way.
Dean: Yes, that's true. Exactly. I watched a documentary on Netflix the other night about all these people pursuing social media fame, that want to be influencers. And it's pretty funny to see the things that we do. Just being famous for being famous, you know?
Dan: Yeah, I think that train left the station quite a long time ago actually.
Dean: Yeah. Well, yeah. But there's certainly the people chasing it, certainly haven't. You know?
Dan: Yeah.
Dean: Everybody's chasing that train.
Dan: I mean, somebody who's really different and uses the internet will probably come up with a different way of using the internet. But they won't do it because they become famous for doing the internet. They'll do it because they find a different way of using the internet. Yeah.
It's really, really interesting the complexity of the internet right now. I mean, the counteractive forces are really very, very powerful now. The cultural heroes, that if you were looking five years back, you are looking at the Facebook as the hero medium. You were looking at Google as a hero medium. And now they're up to their neck in controversy and conflict and confusion and everything like that. So, what do you make of that? Is that just a natural kind of result of creating a medium where you have no criteria about who gets to use it and so it kind of happens?
Dean: I think that that's where, we're definitely coming where the new generation now of digital natives, they call it now, where the new generation, anybody under you know 30 years old basically.
Dan: 22. I think they're called the Z generation after the Millennium generation.
Dean: Yeah. But all those kids have no clue about what the world was like prior to social media and everybody being everywhere at all times. And I think that we kind of either get nostalgic about the past and kind of want to throttle kids back from that, or just totally embrace them. And it's almost to the point now where we know that you really can't, it's overwhelming, it's always there, it's a bottomless buffet that you could never get to all of it. And that's where the discernment is really going to come in.
Dan: So, let me ask you a question because both of us precede the internet. We were fully functional. We were air breathers and we could walk on land before the internet came. How is that an advantage for you and me? The fact that we experienced life long before this? I think you're onto something here, that actually not being born. See you talk to somebody about the internet who is like 20 right now, it's like talking to a fish about water.
Dean: Right, that's exactly. What's water?
Dan: What difference has water made to you? What's water? What's water? I don't know. What are you talking about water? What's water? You talk to your average fish at 20 feet underneath the surface and say, "Are you doing well with the water you have?" And they said, "Water? What's water? I have the slightest idea what you're talking about water. Besides, I haven't seen a fish like you before. What kind of fish are you?"
Dean: Yeah, right.
Dan: And so, what's the difference between us and let's say a 20-year-old right now who is born in the internet age?
Dean: Well that's an interesting timeframe too because that's very similar to when I started. So, in 1998, or 1988, sorry, I was 22 years old. So very similar now. So, I had grown up my entire childhood and college, everything, I had never had any interaction with the internet. And I remember looking back just how many things now are so much better. So much better, it's ridiculous. So much bigger opportunities, especially I think 'who not how' is the key that unlocks all of it now going forward. You know? Like looking back then, you didn't have access to this bottomless pool of whose. You only really had, I think about it now, I realize how irrelevant, almost, geography is in my world. When you think about where all of your social contacts, all of your business prospects, all of my clients and everything like that, there was a lot more local centric, you know?
Growing up in Halton Hills, that whole thing, when you really think about, that was like Canada to me, having that Canadian experience of being a Canadian. When I look at it now with a bigger global perspective is really like I grew up in a suburb of a pretty major city, is really the reality of what that was. Because that's really what the Canadian, you know, if you take whatever Ontario is in the percentage of the total population of Canada, that's the whole.
Dan: Yeah, it's easily a third.
Dean: Yeah.
Dan: Ontario's population.
Dean: Yeah, but as far as the all eyes on Ontario, in terms of the rest of Canada. That's really the way it felt. It was the epicenter. Toronto is the epicenter of Canada growing up.
Dan: Yeah.
Dean: So, everything was kind of that regional stuff made more of a bigger impact. We just didn't have access to talent or resources or tools or technology, no real technologies, you know, around being able to make things easier.
Dan: Cheaper, bigger.
Dean: Yes, everything, right. Like now, yeah, you can be immediately, wherever you are, you can tap into a global marketplace of a really unique segment of the market and [inaudible 00:38:37]. Speaking of Newfoundland, there's a place up there that's really become world renowned over the last five/seven years, called the Fogo Island Inn.
Dan: Yeah, actually Cathy Davis and her husband were just there two weeks ago.
Dean: Okay, perfect. So, what was their report?
Dan: Oh, they loved it. They loved the whole area. Even the mainland.
Dean: Yeah.
Dan: The mainland leading out has become quite popular. The new inns and restaurants and that going in.
Dean: Oh really? Okay. But that whole thing where now you've got, you know in 1988, it would have been very difficult to make a place like that viable.
Dan: Yeah.
Dean: And now with the access to the people who all over the world want, making that focus a world-renowned restaurant and inn. It's pretty amazing. I think that we've by default, global thinking is no obstacle, you know? So, I think that's really one of the biggest changes that we have.
Dan: One of the things, I've driven, north of some routes, sometimes Babs and I will be going to the cottage, which is door to door, figure three hours and we're sort of heading in the northeasterly direction out to Halliburton, which is the nearest larger town to our cottage. And we would go through three or four really small communities on the way, taking an alternative route. And I would sit there and you could see there was a general store, there were a couple churches, there looks like sort of the community hall and these places. But a lot of them were closed down. Gas stations abandoned and everything else.
And I said, "You know, I bet 50 years ago all these towns were a lot more interesting than they are now." I bet probably radio was the start of the breakdown where kids at nighttime on their crystal sets would hear about places outside of their town. And for the first time you would grow up with a double consciousness. You were aware of what was going on in the community, but you were also aware that there were other places. And then telephone, obviously made that, started extending that outward. And the movie started extending that outward. And I think that that's where small places were no longer interesting to the kids growing up in them, but there was something outside.
I remember at nighttime in northern Ohio, because you get the far away radio stations at night when the sun is not interfering with radio waves. So, I remember getting Chicago, St. Louis, and one night I got New Orleans, which is a heck of a long way south. Then Pittsburgh, KDKA in Pittsburgh and New York City, I could pick up some of the New York City. Here I am in my bed, I'm connecting mentally, you know, and enjoyably with place that are 500/1000 miles away. And then I started looking them up. I'd start looking them up in the encyclopedia and everything else. But meanwhile I was living in a small farm community, you know, which had around 1500 people 50 years ago. It's got 1500 people today.
Dean: Wow.
Dan: A nothing's gotten more interesting in the small community over the last 50 years. I mean, what you say is very, very interesting. This connecting mentally and emotionally with places which are way, way-, they're not local, they're global.
Dean: Yeah, and that's the thing. That's what I think about is that just the relationship centric stuff. Like my closest tier of relationships, outside of my inner circle locally, here are largely spread out all over. But we don't feel at all detached from it. I look at that as a uniquely, you know, this time, affording that. And so that changes everything.
Dan: Now here's a question I have you, regard that. But I don't think anybody actually has global experience. Okay, so I'm putting this out as a challenging thought, that basically I think that each individual is only able to interact intellectually and emotionally with a discrete number of people. Okay?
Dean: Right.
Dan: And that's kind of your locality. In other words, a part of my locality is the Joy of Procrastination podcast.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: Okay. And it's with you, not with anybody else. It's with you and you're part of my locality.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: Okay. It just happens to be that it's whatever the distance is between Toronto in Orlando. T
Dean: There's no distance between us and Cloudlandia. Because that's where we are.
Dan: But you're sitting in an analog situation and I'm sitting in an analog situation.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: So, we're splitting the difference, actually. And it's very, very interesting and I say where people get confused around this global issue is that they think that we actually operate globally. But we use Cloudlandia to bring our analog situations immediately together. That's really what we use Cloudlandia for.
Dean: Okay, that's interesting. Yeah, that's one of the things I've been thinking about opportunity wise here. It used to be the challenge was solving the last mile problem, getting things right to your house. And now that's been solved. We've solved the last mile. We can get things, anything that's available can be at your doorstep at the latest tomorrow morning, usually. And often in big cities, you could have it the same day. But I think we're really getting down to this the last inside 50 feet from the doorstep to organizing inside the house. I see where things like this are going where the idea, what I've specifically been thinking about are things like Plated and Blue Apron and these food delivery services, where they'll deliver the pre-portioned ingredients and things to use so that people can cook home cooked meals.
But I think following this sense of the, you know, convenience as the thing, I think that's really going to open up more opportunities for a local brigade of people who will actually come and cook your Blue Apron meals in your kitchen for you and have them on the plate for you at an appointed time. So, when you get home for dinner, if you get home from work, the meal is already cooked and ready and it's in your home there. I think that these things are enablers. And I think there's probably going to be a really great, you know, tying into this kind of gig economy. There's lots of people who have skills that go unused like being able to cook or assemble and follow directions. You could see that becoming something like an Uber or like a thing where that becomes a position that somebody has to go and prepare the meal or regional little hub for it.
Dan: It's really interesting because people who are private cooks, in other words, they'll come to your house and actually do the work, one of their big problems was sourcing all the materials. But that's handled now.
Dean: Right, yeah. That's what I mean. It's like an enabling of them.
Dan: It's not only been sourced, but it's been prepared for a cook.
Dean: It's like a sous chef. Right.
Dan: Yeah. Yeah. And so, everything is prepared. And the interesting thing about this is that the single most unlimited resource in the world is human aspiration. In other words, the ability of the planet, from a capability’s standpoint, is always in a state of enormous deficiency in comparison to the aspirations that people have. You know, and you could use a simple example of the people who want to transport themselves to Mars and live in a Mars community and are even willing to die there. In other words, they say, "I don't care if I ever come back." Okay, well, that's a human aspiration, but the capability to even begin that project is very, very deficient. And so, you don't have the ability of the capability to match the aspiration.
But I would say that's actually the differential. Okay, if you think about differential in electricity terms, the tension between the positive and negative charge. The positive charge is the aspiration, the negative charge is the current capability. And it creates a spark and then somebody says, "Yeah, but I could take the capability further than it is now." I mean, we can start offering space flights around the planet Earth and there's a whole bunch of people saying they're going to do this imminently. But imminently has been going on for about 10 years now.
Dean: Yes, exactly.
Dan: And nobody's pulled it off because you don't want to be the first person to offer passenger flights into the hundred, and I guess it's 60 miles up is when they say you've actually entered space and then have the first passenger load explode.
Dean: That wouldn't be good for anybody.
Dan: So, nobody really wants to be the first one to have their flight fail. And I think that's what's holding them back right now. But interesting, the aspirational quality of this.
Dean: It's almost like that people are going to-, I think the big divider is going to be mainland or Cloudlandia. Focused centric. And it feels like the big, there's still so much of the stuff that has to be done on the mainland.
Dan: Yes.
Dean: This is really what the cloud is really, what Cloudlandia is really allowing people to do. It's very similar to what Peter Diamandis calls those interface moments, right. Looking for and to package up mainland capabilities into a push button Cloudlandia enabled option for somebody.
Dan: Yeah.
Dean: Like that, you know, rather than having-, we've just had Grubhub open service in Winter Haven in the last little while. And so that creates all kinds of other opportunities. Just the ease of that, that somebody can bring anything to you. But still, you know, it really is this whole, I love this idea though of being, of creating these interfaces, you know?
Dan: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mean I just had a wow moment in that. We've been doing Facebook Live now for about the last year and a half. I saw at Genius Network Bill Phillips. Who you know through Joe, Bill Phillips?
Dean: Yeah.
Dan: Yeah. And he does a morning exercise routine by Facebook Live and you can sign up for it and he's got-
Dean: I remember last year at the annual event he did a big-
Dan: Yeah and I turned to Paul Hamilton, who's in charge of marketing at Strategic Coach and I said, "You know, I want to do that. I want to start doing and we'll call it Backstage at Strategic Coach and you can tune in and we'll talk." And so far, I've had eight of them and a team member inside coach. So, a backstage team member will interview me on something that's going on in Strategic Coach. And well we did it.
And then between number seven and eight, we hired a new Facebook expert, a woman who had been out there and she had been doing Facebook, taking advantage of Facebook advertising and everything else. And so, we've been averaging about 7/8000 downloads per the last two or three, we've gotten up into seven and a half thousand downloads, where people downloaded/ And got lot of action, got a lot of comments back and everything like that. And she just made one tweak in Cloudlandia and it cost us $200 and I got interviewed. And so far, two weeks out, we're at 36,000. So, we've gone up five times in the downloads.
Dean: That's awesome.
Dan: And just because she had this little inside knowledge in how you could boost it. It's called the boosting. And very simple, she said, "Just pay them $200 and they boost your message." And everything like that. And I was remarking, I said, "Where in the mainland can you pay $200 and get five times return instantaneously?" Only Las Vegas if you put in the coin at the right time in the slot machine.
Dean: Yeah, that's exactly right.
Dan: But I'm really interested in her because she's really quiet. She's really shy. She just lives in this world. But she has inside knowledge and so I'm really going to squeeze the lemon out of her. Find out all the other tricks that she has in Cloudlandia because this is great.
Dean: You know who has been doing that really well is Scott Adams.
Dan: Oh yeah.
Dean: Scott Adams has a daily live show, Coffee with Scott Adams, and he comes on usually 7:00 am Pacific and gathers everybody on Facebook and Periscope and whatever else. And then calibrates everybody with the simultaneous sip, is the ceremony of starting the thing. So, everybody has their cup of coffee and they all take their simultaneous sip and then he's on to talking about whatever he wants to talk about that day. And it's really interesting political insights and just topical stuff.
Dan: Yeah, the big thing he had done to differentiate himself was that he got on the whole Trump thing early.
Dean: Right.
Dan: And he's said, "I'm basically a lifetime Democrat." He said, "If you really want to know how I vote. I'm a lifetime Democratic." But he said, "I'm just taking a look at who seems to have the most persuasive skills out there and this guy's got 10 times more persuasive skills, his talent stack, what he calls it. So, he's going to win the next election. Not because he's a democratic or republican, he's just more persuasive than anyone else." And he just stuck with it, he just totally stuck with it. And then he wrote the book Winning Hugely, where he explained his whole thinking about it and everything.
You know, it's really interesting because picking fights is the best way to persuade. And this week Trump and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court are going back and forth, you'll find about two weeks, the Supreme Court Justice doesn't like being in a fight with the President of the United States.
Dean: Right.
Dan: That old saying, don't mud wrestle with pigs. One is you get really dirty and-
Dean: And the pig enjoys it.
Dan: The pig really loves it.
Dean: That's really funny.
Dan: Yeah I said, "You do not want to mud wrestle with this particular president of United States. One is you're going to get really, really, really dirtied up and the second thing is he just loves it."
Dean: Well Dan, we've said it all today. We've got two really great new insights. There's never any room for improvement. But every improvement creates new room. That's profound. And never mud wrestle with a pig.
Dan: Yeah.
Dean: I mean, we book-ended it right there. It's like that's all we really need.
Dan: Anyway, this week we will send you your several copies of the Who Not How book.
Dean: Perfect.
Dan: And your mentioned prominently, right at the front.
Dean: Right, awesome.
Dan: I mention you.
Dean: Is this your book, this is the one with Ben?
Dan: This is my quarterly. No, no.
Dean: Oh, okay. This is the precursor, yeah.
Dan: Yeah so Ben will use this now as the framework, the framework for the big book. So, you know, we've done the complete thinking on it mindset. Now he's, you know, Ben, we're talking about Ben Hardy here. And Ben has a great agent, has a great publisher, they have great promotion.
So, he really, really wants to take this book, but he's a psychology major in university. He's just about to get his PhD and he just knows all the other people who have thoughts about this. And then he's going to interview Game Changer entrepreneurs and how they're using the Who Not How principles in their work. So, everybody who's in my Game Changer program will be featured in the book.
Dean: That's great. I'll have to get on his list. He's right down the street here.
Dan: No, you'll be first on the list.
Dean: Awesome.
Dan: Yeah. Anyways, so great. And it'll be two weeks, I think, I'm in Chicago next week.
Dean: Okay, perfect.
Dan: But pure pleasure.
Dean: Yes, always. A
Dan: Each of us sitting in a comfortable analog situation, but using Cloudlandia to shorten the distance between two analogs.
Dean: That's exactly right. I love it. Have a great week Dan.
Dan: Okay. Bye.
Dean: Bye.