Ep053: Procrastination Integration

Join Dean and Dan as they discuss how an Integrator is essential for a procrastinator.




Transcript: The Joy of Procrastination Ep053

Dean: Mr. Sullivan.

Dan: I know that voice.

Dean: I know that voice.

Dan: Yeah, yeah. Quite a week.

Dean: How are you today?

Dan: We had quite a week.

Dean: Tell me.

Dan: Well, we had a special event for the Game Changers who could make it in Chicago on Thursday. We had 24, which is about 60% right now, I think we're at 40 in the Game Changer group. And they brought 36 other individuals, team members, collaborators, and-

Dean: Yes, Stuart was there.

Dan: Yep, and what did he say?

Dean: He said it was great. For him, because I come back, I talk about all the things that we talk about, and the people, and so it was good for him to meet everybody and to get a firsthand kind of experience of what we talk about.

Dan: Yeah, I had a really interesting new take on things that ... And this kind of, you'll know this yourself, because it's one of the special advantages of being a 10 Quick Start in the Colby system and ADD. Because you can look at it as a problem, and the ADD thing, you can look at it as a problem, or you can look at it in certain situations as really an advantage.

I want to give you an example. So here I was, this was in the calendar, this event, and I had been really preoccupied with a lot of other projects up until Monday of last week, and so I was ... Had in place certain things for Thursday. I had two speakers. I had Mark Winters, a Game Changer, and he talked about how the EOS system relates directly to someone who's doing game changing in the entrepreneur. He did a beautiful job, I mean, I sent him a fast filter, which is the short form of the impact filter. And he also showed how if you're going to be a game changer, you should really focus yourself on being a visionary, and then have an integrator who actually translates backwards to your base company.

Dean: Right.

Dan: What you're doing. And that person is really in charge of making sure that the base company is both self-managing, but also self-multiplying, and that the visionary can be freed up to go out. You know we had that exercise, Dean, in July, which was called Total Cash Confidence.

Dean: Yes.

Dan: And Ross Thornley, you know, who is very famous already in the Game Changer community, has been the person who speaks last, and that sums up what everybody else had said.

Dean: Yes.

Dan: And he said, "Well, we have total cash confidence." And we actually did that exercise again in the morning of the, Thursday morning. And then he said, "Well this, what Mark is talking about seems like total operational confidence."

Dean: Mm-hmm.

Dan: I said, "That would be a nice feeling. That would be a nice-"

Dean: Yes.

Dan: Total operational. Not only total cash confidence but total operational confidence in freeing up the entrepreneur. And then in the afternoon we had Ari Maizel, who spoke for about an hour on optimize, automate, and outsource, the three step process, and gave us some examples of obviously where you can take any process that's been around for a while and you can probably shorten, knock out steps and everything else, and you can do that through your entire organization and probably clean up about 40% of the time that's being utilized right now that surely doesn't make any sense anymore. So that's optimized. And then there's activities which humans are doing in your organization which can really be automated now, because they're predictably successful if you just follow the steps, and technology's actually better at being predictably recurring than humans are. Once you've done that, then you can really see who else outside your organization you can actually utilize.

So that's it. That was in place. So, I already had those things in place. But I didn't have a zinger.

Dean: A zinger.

Dan: You always have to have a zinger. And you know where I got it was on a Zoom call on Monday, so this would be Monday before the Thursday, and it was with Chip [Mock 00:05:29], you know who's-

Dean: Yes, I know Chip, yeah.

Dan: Yeah, Chip. And then the other one was Ken Newman. And the third one was Ross Thornley. And it was very interesting, and this is where I want your feedback. And this could be what we talk about today. That halfway through the hour, so we were at about the 30-minute mark, and I was noting that all three of them had said in one way or another that they were operating completely differently seven months into the game changer than what they thought they were going to be back in April when they started. Things had really opened up for them, and that the role that they were seeing themselves in wasn't so much being a specialist in anything but actually being an integrator of other people's capabilities.

And that was the raw material for my zinger.

Dean: And tell me, what was your zinger then?

Dan: See, I was hoping you would ask that if I left a little bit of ...

Dean: A little bit of...

Dan: If I left a little bit of silence.

Dean: Silent tension there, yeah, of course.

Dan: Yeah. Yeah.

Dean: And that's good. We didn't set this up ahead of time, yeah.

Dan: You were very amazingly responsive there.

Dean: Yes.

Dan: So anyway, about 30 years ago, you remember my practice of writing in a journal for 25 years, every day for 25 years?

Dean: Yes. What do I want?

Dan: Yeah. About eight years in, I started identifying a role for myself, and this is what I wanted in the future. Then in the future using coaching concepts and techniques, because I'd already really gotten very strong as a strategy circle coach by eight years in, this would be around '86, '87. 1986. And I came up with a term that had four words in it, and the words were total, creative, economic, integrator. So, it's a total creative economic integrator.

Dean: Mm-hmm.

Dan: And I talked to Babs about this over the years. We had a 20-year conversation about this. And she said, "You know, you really are the total creative economic integrator." And I said, "Yeah, but what I'm noticing is the Game Changers are becoming that." So, this is the first time in my experience of the strategic coach program, the workshop program, that what I was seeing what was happening to people in the Game Changer was that they were also becoming total creative economic integrators.

So, what I did was actually create a worksheet out of this, so I had the Zoom call on Monday, thought about it overnight on Tuesday, I actually created the exercise for it. Worked back and forth with my main computer artist, and put this into multimedia as well, and we presented it on Thursday. So, it was all packaged and sent to Chicago. And can I give you the definitions of the four words and I'll let you respond?

Dean: I wish you would. That would be great.

Dan: Okay. So total, here's the definition of total. You are not restricted by the borders of your business, your industry, or your market. In other words, you have an ability to go beyond the borders of what most people keep, they're kind of prisoners if you will. They're either a prisoner of their particular type of business or their particular type of industry or their particular type of market. And you go beyond that. And the market eventually could be a global market. So that's total.

Number two, creative, is that you continually take what already exists in your business and you keep taking it apart and reassembling it to produce breakthroughs. So, it becomes more productive, even the existing elements, creating. And I'm using Steve Jobs, his notion, what's creativity. He says, "Well, it's putting stuff together in new ways." And I think it's a good definition, because it's really creative. But it's also you're not dreaming stuff up, you're actually taking stuff that already exists, you're just-

Dean: Yeah. Creatively.

Dan: ... dreaming up new uses for existing, reconfigured things.

Dean: Uh huh.

Dan: So that's another sign. So that's number two. Number three is economic, that you're going beyond being total and being creative is actually creating financial multipliers, which can be measured in increased revenues and profits.

Dean: Mm-hmm.

Dan: Okay. And number three is you're getting so good at the first three that now you're being a catalyst where you can actually pull together 10 times capabilities in the marketplace and create entirely new types of collaboration.

Dean: Mmm. It's so funny. I watched an interview with Jesse Itzler. Do you know who Jesse Itzler is? He's Sarah Blakely's husband, but he's also the guy who, he's written a couple of different books, but he also started the Marquee Jet Card.

Dan: Mm-hmm.

Dean: Okay. So, this was a really interesting thing. He was, before he started Marquee, he was basically, closest way to describe it would probably be like a Steve Sims, a high level, concierge, make things happen kind of thing, create experiences for people. And he was a guest on a private jet, first time ever. And he thought, "I would never want to fly commercial again. If I could do this all the time, this is great."

But at that time, the only way to do that was people would either buy a jet or Net Jets had started out with you could own a fraction of a jet. But also, they're very expensive, high barrier to entry in it, and wouldn't necessarily appeal to everybody, or the people who would want to fly private but wouldn't want to make that big of an investment in it. And he had this idea of creating a prepaid jet card that people could buy a block of 25 hours instead of buying a fraction of the jet. And he didn't know anything about the jet industry. Didn't know anything about how that worked. But he knew some celebrities, and he knew that they would be the kind of people who would be into this. And he went and pitched the idea to Net Jets, who rejected it initially, said, "No, we're not going to do that."

And then he went to some of his celebrities and he got letters and pre-agreements from them that they would definitely, basically a letter said, "I wouldn't buy a fraction of a jet, but I would definitely buy 25 hours at a time. I would definitely do that if you offered it." And he had their, basically letters of intent from some of them, and went back to Net Jets, and they finally agreed to do a little pilot program with him.

So, he just started this idea, and ultimately built it up, and then sold it back to Net Jets for hundreds of millions of dollars.

Dan: Mm-hmm.

Dean: I thought that that's a pretty interesting. It's actually kind of a good example of what you're talking about here, the-

Dan: Yeah. If I can ... I was just checking off my four boxes as you were describing. And one of the things I've discovered is because I have this framework now, we had a really great cocktail party on the Wednesday night before the all-day session on Thursday. So, we were right on Michigan Avenue. Where Millennium Park is in Chicago, across the street is the Chicago, the main Chicago Athletic Club, and it's just a beehive of different kinds of party venues at nighttime. I mean, they have gyms there, but by far the majority of their activities is actually people meet there, they have rooms, they have party rooms. And we just had a terrific party room.

About half probably out of the 24 who came the next day, I think we probably had about 16 of them who were there that night, and their teams, so we had probably 40, 45, 50 people there. And the first three Game Changers who walked in the room, I had this model. I hadn't given it yet. It was to be unveiled the next morning, but I talked them through it. And with each of the Game Changers, I could check off the four boxes of total, creative, economic, integrator. And they learned something in the process by me doing that. They said, "Oh, I hadn't seen it that way. I hadn't seen it that way."

So, the next day we went through it, and it just worked so great, because the teams were there, and a lot of the team members who have kind of been in a position where their entrepreneur comes back from 10 times or comes back from the Game Changer and it's like shields up. Inbound, there are inbound things that are going to destroy the order and the harmony that we've established, and then he's bringing back kryptonite.

Dean: Right right right.

Dan: And all of a sudden, they said, "Oh, we kind of got what this is all about."

Dean: Yes.

Dan: So, they had a new structure, and Steve Kring brought his sister, and his main person from what he's doing. And they had all sorts of ideas, and they identified all sorts of ways in which Steve was doing total creative economic integrators in ways that he didn't even see. So, it was really a real breakthrough. And after the podcast today I'll send you through the worksheet.

Dean: Oh yeah, love that. Yeah, I would love that.

Dan: Yeah. And so anyway, that was really terrific for me, and yesterday I had lunch with a really, really top-notch litigation lawyer here in the city who's got a great Game Changer with a massive global reinsurance company, and it's a new process for actually prefinancing litigation processes.

Dean: Oh wow.

Dan: And it's really terrific. And I just took him through the form, and he says, "Boy," he said, "This really gives me enormous amounts of confidence about what I'm doing." So, he's coming into the Game Changer in early 2019.

Dean: Oh nice.

Dan: And, yeah. Anyway. So really terrific, really terrific week for me. But it's that ability, and you know it too Dean, because once we're clear about something, we can take action, especially if we have teams. And I was kind of, it was kind of interesting, and I'm sure you experience this too, that I was kind of experiencing procrastination and getting a handle on my workshop, but I didn't have the zinger. I had to have a zinger, and once I have my zinger, everything else falls into place.

Dean: Right. Yeah, that's what you can hang everything on, it's the catalyst for conversations. That's good.

Dan: Yeah. Yeah.

Dean: You know, it's an interesting thing, because what's been going on for me as I've been thinking this through is it's almost like... I was having a great conversation with my good friend Eelko in Amsterdam.

Dan: Oh yeah yeah, as a matter of fact, I have a story there. My scorecard that I use, the American Checklist, in which I have a podcast with Mark Young, I tested it for the first time in a genius network workshop where Eelko was there, and he was the only non-North American there. He was from Amsterdam. And I went through the whole thing, and everybody graded themselves on the American Checklist scorecard, which people can go to if they go to Google, they can go to the podcast, American Checklist Podcast. But I noticed he was kind of perturbed by it. And I said, "Oh, I hope ..." Well, I said, "Yeah, you never learn less."

So, we all went around, and everybody said, "This is really great," and everything. Then I got around to Eelko, and he said, "This explains why my entire life I felt like a duck out of water in Amsterdam." He says, "I'm actually an American."

Dean: He's an American in Amsterdam, yeah yeah.

Dan: He's an American in Amsterdam. So, I saw him and he was at Genius Network, the previous week he was at Genius Network. And I reminded him, and he really remembered, and he said, "No, that was terrific, it gave me a lot of confidence, what I was doing."

Dean: Well he just joined 100K. So, you'll see him there. Yeah.

Dan: Oh, that's great, yeah.

Dean: So, it's all very exciting.

Dan: Yeah, he's a great guy. He's a great guy. Yeah.

Dean: So, in any event, the conversation happens-

Dan: You were talking to him.

Dean: Yeah. We were having a conversation, very similar to what would be, it was a different word, I mean we weren't using the language of total economic, or total creative economic integrator. But we were talking about being a producer, which is essentially, that's probably a one word that ties what you're saying together in a way. The closest thing that is out there is that it's not really tied to any one thing. Yeah, where you're really doing this. This is the role. That's really what a producer is a Game Changer who is tying things together, putting things together that maybe otherwise wouldn't be together.

Dan: Yeah, it says producer contrasted against consumer.

Dean: Yeah, well producer in the, like a creative producer, like a movie producer, a music producer, somebody who ... We were talking about DJ Kahled, for instance as a guy who's become very, very popular now. He's not a musician. He started out as a DJ, but he's moved into being a producer because he has ideas for songs, ideas for things, and he'll put ... He hires the creatives to put this together, put together a base track for a song, and then he'll call up Justin Beaver and Cuevo and say, "Hey, I got this song," and get them to come and collaborate on it, and he puts the whole thing together, and they create these number one hits out of nothing, kind of thing.

So, I've been observing that and seeing that story keeps coming up again and again, with Jesse Itzler, with what he did with the Marquee Jet Card, putting things together, seeing an opportunity. Yeah. And putting it all together with no experience, no base experience in the industry, but being a creative.

Dan: Yeah, and it's kind of like Uber. It's kind of like, I mean, Uber's a good example, Airbnb's a good example, I mean yeah, where you're essentially putting a new medium of communication and cooperation in already existing elements. I mean, you know, you've had limousines and taxis forever. And as a matter of fact, I found out that in London, the black cabs go back 350 years, the horse and buggies, the black cab, some of that notion of limousines and that has been around, carriages and limousines has been around forever. But the beauty was that taking advantage of Cloudlandia.

Dean: Right.

Dan: These are Cloudlandia based businesses. Instead of ownership of a thing, you have ownership of time.

Dean: Yes. Ownership of time. Say that again. What do you mean?

Dan: Yeah. You own half hour Uber time. You own-

Dean: Oh, I see what you're saying. Yes, right.

Dan: You own two nights of Airbnb time. You own 25 hours of Marquee Jet time. You're owning time in the-

Dean: Oh, I hadn't thought about it like that, but yeah, that's right. So, the increment, only what you need. And that's kind of an interesting way to look at what I've been thinking about what my role is in a lot of things. I'm, as a 10 Quick Start, an idea factory, that just constantly, an idea machine able to come up with ideas that have got a lot of specialized knowledge, particular to marketing, a lot of experience and ways of looking at things, and a framework that I hang all of that on. So, I can, in a very short period of time, create an executable blueprint for somebody that applies to their business that would have ... It's definitely from concentrate, where somebody could in a short period of time with me then have a longer period of time that it takes to actually execute the thing that we created out of nothing.

Dan: Yeah.

Dean: Mm-hmm. So rather than-

Dan: Well, it's really interesting. It looks like you're creating out of nothing, but if you were behind the scenes, there's about 20 known factors that you're actually putting together, it's just that it's not visible what you're actually putting together. But it was like I've had this model of the TCEI sitting there for 30 years. I had already identified it 30 years ago. My team was saying, "Well, how did you put that together so quickly?" Well, I actually had hundreds of hours of thinking about this over probably something like a 17- or 18-year period. But I just didn't have an application for it, so I never brought it up as a topic.

Dean: Yeah. You know, and it's so ... I think for me, I've been thinking a lot about that too, that it feels like now more than ever it's finally okay to just have that level of contribution. That it's almost so ... I've said it before that we kind of as a society or community of entrepreneurs and stuff we've almost sort of traditionally lauded or almost fetishized the execution in taking something all the way through. Like you gotta fight through, grind through, and get something all the way to completion, when that really now, we start to see that, or I'm starting to see that the greatest contributions I've had have been at the start of something more that somebody else executes out. And that's ... And to be that that's okay, to build, to actually build my business around that, to set up a structure that allows me to just do more of that without having to just focus, just fully focus on one thing and get it all the way through kind of thing.

Dan: Yeah. I mean, the interesting thing is, int he Breakthrough Blueprint, if I can apply the total creative economic integrator to your, first of all the total is this applies to any kind of entrepreneurial business in the world. Okay. So, you've gone outside of business, you've gone outside of industry, and you've gone outside of market. You haven't been constrained by any of those boundaries. Saying if you want to sell something as easily as possible, as fast as possible, with as little cost as big a result with any activity in the world, these are the eight things that you have to pay attention to.

Dean: Yes.

Dan: Doesn't matter what it is.

Dean: Yes.

Dan: Then, in the creative part of it is, that you've simply taken considerations that were already there, but they were not unified. They weren't put into a single structure that we're interconnecting, and you've done it in such a way that if you master one level, the next level compounds the value of the first one, and the third one compounds the first two. Okay. So, you've actually been very, very creative.

But then in economic, you can put out very, very core cut measurements of increased revenue and increased profits with it, and then you can say, "Okay, now with this model in place, I can pull together the biggest producers from any kind of industry and put them in the same group together, and they feed each other with their models and everything like that, so you're a catalyst, you're an integrator."

People have told me that they created collaborations simply because they ended up in the same room doing the Breakthrough Blueprint, that they met each other-

Dean: Right, exactly.

Dan: All of a sudden there was a collaboration that came out of that. They each got to see what the other one was doing, and they said, "Oh, we can really collaborate." Your model's the perfect example of it.

Dean: Yeah. And it's interesting. Our organizational purpose, internally, our organizational purpose is we help entrepreneurs make more money. And that kind of fits, everything fits into that idea of a total creative economic integrator as an organization.

Dan: Yeah, I mean, the thing is that in genetic terms, all of us are kind of becoming super enzymes.

Dean: Yeah. Super enzymes. I like that.

Dan: Yeah, enzymes are the factor, the element in the body that actually pulls everything together. They're integrators and knitters. Enzymes actually allow all the different molecules and all the different hormones and everything else to work together. The enzymes.

Dean: I've been working with Harry Massey.

Dan: Oh yes, yes. Right.

Dean: So, I went and spent a day with them a couple of weeks ago, and he's really an inventor. I mean, the guy has got some amazing ideas. And it's really, we had some great conversations about this. His ... It's an interesting thing because as a result of the conversations it's an interesting thing to see him commenting how he feels freedom now that, to be just this inventor and having people, integrators who can run with and maximize something.  Because he's got a never-ending flow of ideas like this.

Dan: Yeah. Well, he needs to have collaborators.

Dean: Yeah. That's right.

Dan: Because he'll never take the steps to scale himself. He needs to really plug into someone who's missing what Harry uniquely does, and then this person will have something to actually scale of in the marketplace. There are people who are just great scalers, but they're not the people who come up with the thing to scale. They're not the innovator of something new that can be scaled. But they've mastered scaling. They can scale anything.

Dean: Yeah. I had dinner with Joe Stump a couple of weeks ago. He was in town.  There was a really great triad that we had between Joe and me and Terry Hunnefeld in that we all had different roles, but it was probably the peak performance for all three of us, what we were able to collaborate on together is the highest level of anything any of us had been able to do on our own. Together was really the, that was the magic of it, Terry being the integrator and running everything in the business of it, and Joe of course as an enroller. The great communicator of it. And I would say me as the architect.

Dan: Just to fill in everybody on it.  Because this is sort of inside knowledge.

Dean: I forget that we're recording a podcast. I get so caught up in our conversation. So, I started out as a real estate agent, and was developing marketing tools and marketing systems for my business that I ended up licensing to other realtors all around me, and then I met up with Joe Stump, and we decided to collaborate together to take this to the bigger market. Joe was 10 years older than me, had, at that point already had a $5 million company, had a whole infrastructure of execution and management team. And then over the next 15 years we took that from $5 million to $20 million, and with all three, Terry Hunnefeld was the other person who came on a little bit after that to run the business side of it. And we all just completely lived in our unique ability.

It was really, I was running the marketing, so I have the, created all the emails, all the campaigns, everything that we were doing to get people to come to a half day free workshop, real estate agents, and I wrote the half day, the script for the presentation that we would do. We hired two people to go out and do 10 of these workshops a month, and then they would sell people into our three-day main event, which Joe and I and Terry would go and do the actual three-day seminar, and then we would sell them into our coaching program.

It was just a great synergy, because everything, they had a whole team, I would get together, we would get together once a month at the main event, and while Joe was speaking on Monday morning, Terry and I would be meeting with the team, we'd have the executive team come. We'd meet with the team and I would give all the marketing direction, we'd report on everything that was going on, and then I'd go up and speak on the afternoon, and then we'd meet again on Tuesday. And we had this nice little rhythm where with that little bit of guidance and concentration and me providing the marketing, it was all able to be executed and worked, it worked perfectly. It was a great model.

And it was funny how that was really just being in unique ability. You know?

Dan: Yeah. Well, the cornerstone, and I think that what has changed in the world is that through the industrial period, if I go back to the, probably Great Britain 1830s, US 1860s, 1870s, and then gradually the European countries got into it, and then it spread. So, the base of it is still tremendously there in the world, and factory manufacturing is bigger than it's ever been. A lot of people say, "Well, you know, things don't... Manufacturing is through the roof. It's manufacturing jobs that have gone down.”

Dean: Right, yeah yeah.

Dan: You know. I mean, a lot of people don't realize, but the US is, they say, "Well America doesn't manufacture." No, but they are number two in the world. They are, next to China, and productivity per worker, the US is about 10 times what the Chinese are in terms of productivity, because they've used technology to offset labor.

But your role was really defined to your conformity within the industrial system. Right from the bottom to the top, the system only worked because the creation of a factory system including the head office and everything else, from the day you started it might be 30 or 25 years before you amortize the cost of everything. And therefore, you couldn't have individualism fooling around with the game plan. Everybody had to conform. Time wise you had to conform, activity wise you had to conform, and belief wise you had to conform. So, people said it was so oppressive in the old days. And I said, "Well, the factory system wasn't as oppressive as starvation."

Dean: Well, that's, got that going for it, right.

Dan: No, I mean, the-

Dean: That's funny.

Dan: You know, I mean, there's people saying the horrible working conditions in the factories. I said, "You should have seen the horrible non-working conditions before the factory. It actually gave people income, it actually gave them a chance to feed themselves, house themselves, clothe themselves in a way that never has happened in the world before." So, I said, "We're not far away from it being mostly dark holes and starving in world affairs, and we're a couple centuries away again. Some parts of the world are just coming out of it right now."

Dean: Yeah.

Dan: But when you flipped, when you introduce Cloudlandia into the economic scheme starting really with the internet, the internet is really the great emergence of Cloudlandia. I mean, you had digital before that, but it was going over land lines and everything. But all of a sudden, we have digital. All the sudden, and I think this is what's so disruptive about modern society and why it's so confusing, is that the priority now has switched from you being a conformist to you being a unique ability producer, being a unique ability producer. And strangely enough, people who are ADD have actually been better at the switch than people who are very concentrated and very very follow through-ish.

Dean: Well-

Dan: That, you know, it's known that people, they have the statistics now that in terms of income, you have fact finder, you have follow through, you have quick cert, and you have implementer in the Colby system. By far, the highest paid people are the quick certs. Quick certs from an income standpoint are off the chart. Next is fact finders, and then implementers are actually number three, so implementers are people who can work with their hands, they're demonstrators with their bodies and their hands. And follow throughs are actually the lowest paid category. I mean, if you're intensively a follow through person. And the sheer contrast between follow through in column number two and quick start in number three is extraordinary. I mean, it's like five to one. It could be 10 to 1.

It was just a conversation, and I said, "Everybody talks about inequality of income, inequality of wealth in the United States." Because I was in Chicago. And people said, "Yeah, you've just got this enormous inequality between families in the United States." And I said, "Interesting, the inequality between families in the United States is much less than the inequality that actually happens within families. So, if you take all of the siblings, you take parents and siblings inside of a family, the biggest inequality you're going to find in United States life is what's happening in that family. That one person will be in the stratosphere with income and wealth compared to everybody else in the family."

My feeling is if you did a Colby overlay, it's the quick start in the family who's gone through the roof.

Dean: Wow, that's really fascinating. Is that research that Kathy has done, or is that-

Dan: Yeah, yeah.

Dean: ...your observation too, yeah.

Dan: It's not something they want to talk about a lot, because it's almost like prejudicial.

Dean: Right right.

Dan: It's also prejudicial. But it's just what people chose to go into. I mean, what your natural instinct is, and how the economy is organized, that basically the people who make it up are going to get paid more than the people who make it recur.

Dean: Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Because that's interesting. You think even, that's naturally the progression then, isn't it? You go from a quick start, who's making it up, to a fact finder passing it on to an integrator as the way ... Yeah, because a fact finder would be, "Well, what would have to happen to make this real," and then being able to pass that on to. Because if an implementer is not a fact finder, they're going to build as made. Unless your second highest is implementer, right?

Dan: Yes, it is. Yeah. I'm-

Dean: You're a natural, yeah, we talked about that. Your natural thing is to have an idea.

Dan: Yeah. Yeah. So, I can pass, I mean, the last week's Monday to Thursday transition, it was my quick start that got excited, but it was my implementer. First of all, I had a complete drawing of the exercise overnight, by the time I went to the office I had it all laid out for my artist, and then she put it into digital form.

But here's the thing. You know I'm a political junkie, and I said the extraordinary, what I would say almost emotional and psychological meltdown of the mainstream media dealing with Trump has been interesting to watch over the past two years, and it'll continue. And I think the reason is that he's a very, very high quick start implementer who is dealing with people who are essentially fact finder follow throughs. And they're always, they will be dealing the day after tomorrow things he did the day before yesterday.

Dean: Right.

Dan: But meanwhile he's onto something new.  Two days from now when they're catching up with what he said two days ago, he'll be on to something new. And they think they can capture him but they can't, because it's the roadrunner and the coyote. I mean, he starts every day and he creates something new. And they want to contain him within the process of fact finding. We're going to check on all your facts. So, they think this is a lie, this is a lie, this is a lie. But nobody cares because it's something new. Oh, that was yesterday's facts, nobody's really interested in yesterday's facts.

Dean: Fake news.

Dan: Yeah. Yeah. And they'll follow through on something and they'll dive deep, or they'll spend six months looking into his tax records. And you say, "Here's what he did 15 years ago."

Dean: Right.

Dan: That's hardly news. I mean, do you realize that he had sexual relationships with all these basically show women and prostitutes and everything else, and Trump's response is "Yeah, but I paid them. I paid them, they were working women, I paid them." You know. You know. It wasn't like the Kennedys and the Clintons, I wasn't doing it with interns. These people were offering a service in the marketplace. I paid them. Now I'm paying them to keep quiet about it.

Dean: Oh man.

Dan: No, but the interesting thing about it is that the way the world is working with Cloudlandia and the mainland relationship right now is that he's got a set of capabilities that always keeps him ahead of the news cycle.

Dean: Yes. Yeah. To go a little bit deeper in your zinger here for the workshop, what was the ... What was some of the outcome from that? Did anybody have any ...

Dan: Yeah, well, so what I do in each of the categories, I put three empty form boxes. So, I give the definition, one, two, three, blank. One two three blank, one two three blank, one two three blank. And then during the day, there's no notes sections around all four boxes. And you kind of say, "Well where am I already doing this? Total, where am I already doing creative, economic, and integrator?" And then at the end of the day I had everybody pick the three most important ways they're doing it. So, they're ending up with 12 things. And all the sudden they're starting to see the relationship between things that were previously separated in their mind.

Dean: Mm-hmm.

Dan: So, they're kind of seeing that this is really the essence of how they're changing themselves, they're changing their teamwork, they're changing their company, they're changing their market, they're changing their industry, and they're changing their global stance. I mean, no, just going back five years ago when we had our conversation about what would fascinate and motivate you for the rest of your life, you have gone global.

Dean: Right. Yes, that's true, because that was literally the first year, yeah, of going-

Dan: And you've gone totally outside of the real estate industry.

Dean: Yes, for sure.

Dan: Yeah. Yeah. So that's your total. I mean, you've gone global. And you have your yearly global root that you set up your workshops. And then you and Joe had gone global with I Love Marketing about 10 years, starting about 10 years ago, and that continues onward.

Dean: Yeah, we've got books from all over the world. We've got people who have done books.

Dan: Yeah. And then you have the podcast platform. And everything. So, I'm just showing you, first of all, that whether you had the model or not, that if you are taking the who not how route to life that we identified on this podcast serious, you will naturally go total, you will naturally go creative, you will naturally have economic multipliers, and you will naturally become a catalyst. But it's useful to know that there's actually a formula for this.

Dean: Yeah. I think what's really giving me the freedom and velocity now as I wrap my mind around it is that I don't necessarily have to go and find integrators to build out my own things, like my own organization, it's really that I can contribute my part to an organization that already has integrators who are taking this. That'll free up the velocity for it. Because I find that my thing, what creates the friction is having to create and think, wrap my mind around taking something all the way-

Dan: No.

Dean: And whereas I can come into, and I think about the other collaborations that I have that I'm able to make a big impact without me being the one who's, or my organization's doing the actual integration. I'm being integrated into an existing system. And it's really, that's just what brings me the greatest joy because I just purely get to do the things where I can make the biggest contribution.

Dan: Yeah. Yeah, I mean it's a fascinating route, and the greatest danger is getting caught up in one part of the bigger game, and getting caught up in the stuff. What you want to do is you want to develop an immunity to stuff, and you ... Your greatest skill in this day and age is actually always being present with what's just available today, and not being bogged down into obligations that started five years ago.

Dean: Right.

Dan: You know, like you're being caught up in the machinery of what you created five years ago. You're free of the machinery. I mean, the machinery's working. The machinery's necessary, so that it's pumping out automatic income.

Dean: Yes. And that's what it took me all that time to get down to my 417 hours in my base business. Which I love the ... I don't know what the right word is. The symmetry, or the correlation that 417 hours is exactly 20% of a standard 2,000, 2,200-hour work year. Yeah. There's something elegant about that. I had no idea that that's what's happened. But I've actually gotten to the 80/20, which is I'm just doing the 20%. Yeah.

Dan: Yeah. But the big thing, the big thing that the 80 shows you, and my sense and what I think I could offer, is that this new model that I have of total creative economic integrator, if you're going to now commit yourself to other kinds of work in the future with the 80%, my feeling is you'll want to make sure that the total creative economic integrator is sort of the reality check of this is really what I want to do.

Dean: Yeah.  Maybe you could help me get some clarity on that, because what I really want to do is I really want to be the architect, marketing architect, or producer, or help people overlay and guide the installation of the breakthrough DNA model, the eight profit activators, into an organization where I can guide and oversee that, and contribute all of the ideas for how it actually applies to their business, but have their internal team be the ones who are actually integrating or implementing all of it.

Dan: You know, just two insights that I have really slammed me. I mean, I really got caught by surprise by this, was the number of the Game Changers who are actually collaborating with giant corporations. And I have never seen this, because my whole life has been bypassing corporations, finding niches, and all sorts of opportunities that large corporations can't actually create or see. But what I'm seeing is that our Game Changers, and what it is, it's not with a corporation, it's a particular very, very ambitious person inside a corporation who wants to make a big jump and can't do it with the capabilities that are already inside the corporation, especially when it comes to innovation and marketing. They don't have that capability.

So, what they do is they look at this entrepreneur outside who's got cash confidence and has this bright new idea, and it's a handshake, it's not even a legal agreement. It's not a bender relationship. It's just that because the person inside the corporation is actually treating their career like it's an entrepreneurial vehicle. And they want to either jump ahead in this corporation or they want to jump out to a better corporate situation. They aren't going to go entrepreneurial for the most part. They just want to further their entrepreneurial career, and they want to do it in such a way that it almost looks like magic inside the corporation. In other words, they don't want to make a big deal that they've got this secret sauce, this magic trick outside of the corporation that they're using. It's getting harder.

I'm just seeing, it's almost like you're taking all the corporations in the world and you're reducing them to useful or useless elements, and you say, "Well, we could work with this useful element of the corporation," or something like that. And I have never seen that. And, it kind of reverses the whole model, how people think that things happen in the marketplace. So, you start with a little corporation, you start with a little entrepreneurial venture and then it offers itself and then it gets bought out by a large corporation, and the people are pulled in. And it's a classical thing of selling yourself out to a large corporation. But here you don't. You don't. You just create project that the corporation and you can actually create, and there's no legal tie, there's no financial tie except at the end as you go forward, and you don't have to do anything except what you've been doing, and the corporation only has to do this one capability thing where they have the greatest growth potential.

It totally changes the view of the relationship between outside entrepreneurs, and you don't go IPO with it, you don't bring in outside investors. All the assets, all the resources are already there, you just have to reconfigure them into 100 times collaboration. And here's the thing that I love. It's the best of both worlds. You get to stay being a pure entrepreneur, but you get access to scaling resources and scaling capabilities that you'd have to prostitute yourself to get those.

Dean: Right. Yeah, this is amazing, isn't it? I mean, I love when things come together for clarity for me, you know?  It's so funny. I think about, I was thinking as you were talking about what Jesse Itzler did. I mean, essentially that's collaboration with Net Jets, and then he ended up selling it back to them for hundreds of millions of dollars. It's really, I mean, fascinating, because he was taking a resource that Net Jets had, which was unused capacity on their fleet of jets. Yeah, unused time.

Dan: Yeah, I mean he was also dealing with their number one friction, is that nobody wanted to buy part of a plane. But they would buy part of the time of a plane. And that basically he just transformed them into selling machines to selling time. Time is where all the value is.

Dean: It really is. Well Dan, we've said it all.

Dan: What a glorious Sunday activity.

Dean: I really enjoy it. It's such a fantastic thing, yes. Now where are you going to be for Thanksgiving? Are you in Toronto?

Dan: Yeah. We identified a venue that will serve a complete turkey dinner.

Dean: Perfect.

Dan: And we're going to do that. We're going to do that.

Dean: I love it.

Dan: But we're taking the day off. We're taking the day off, yeah.

Dean: Oh, there you go, perfect.

Dan: Yeah. But I'll talk to you next Sunday, I think we're on for next Sunday.

Dean: Awesome. I will talk to you. I'll be there.

Dan: And I'll send the form onto you so that you can take a look at it. Tomorrow I'll send you a blank one. The one I'm showing you has my sample copy on it. But you can actually use the space around it to get your ideas, but I'll send you ... I don't have the blank copy on my laptop, but I'll send that to you.

Dean: Okay, perfect. Thank you.

Dan: All right.

Dean: Okay, have a great week.

Dan: Okay, bye.