Join Dean and Dan as they talk about the excitement of new technology.
Transcript: The Joy of Procrastination Ep063
Dean: Mister Sullivan.
Dan: Mister Jackson, how are you today?
Dean: Sorry, technical issue there. Hang on. There we are. Can you hear me now?
Dan: I can.
Dean: Okay.
Dan: I was just thinking my particular cell phone here, which is dedicated almost entirely to one Dean Jackson, it is superior in many ways to the cell phone that you're using which is pretty dedicated to just one person.
Dean: Single-purpose.
Dan: A single purpose. Single-person, single-purpose cell phone. I think is museum-quality. I suspect that yours is more of a commodity.
Dean: I could just see some archeological dig hundreds of years from now or thousands of years and they find this device. Yes. What is this?
Dan: I think it's important for us now to realize how the early silly years of the 21st century are actually going to be explored and documented and commented on.
Dean: I think you're absolutely right. I was just saying that Lupa's son Phillip just turned 11 so we got him a Oculus Go headset, which is pretty spectacular and you've seen what's possible with those. We got introduced in abundance the first time.
Dan: Yeah. Yes.
Dean: It struck me. It's the equivalent of that big brick cell phone that everybody had, remember, in the '80s, the first wireless cellphone that was as big as a football or a brick that you'd hold up to the side of your head. It just struck me how quaint that's going to look 20 years from now as that virtual reality hardware evolves. It's going to be so funny because now you look at what it's come down to, the world at our fingertips with our iPhones and it's just you think what that's going to end up being.
Dan: Yeah. The interesting thing about technology is my feeling is it doesn't really become part of our lives until it achieves two qualities. One is boring and the other one is irritating. The weird thing about the introducers of new technology, they try to make it exciting but of course that's exactly the wrong strategy to making a technology actually pervasive. We can't stand that amount of excitement in our lives. We would immediately put it in another room. We would have a special room called the excitement room and we keep things in there but we won't allow them out.
Dean: I think that's pretty interesting because you look at for, it's been several years now since anybody got excited about a Apple keynote. Do you remember from the developer conference, the Apple keynote was such a huge thing starting with all through the early 2000s. It was just because every year brought a brand new exciting technology like the iPod and the iPad and the iPhone and what's next? It's all that stuff but since that suite has been completely built out. I think everybody, both iPhone and ... What's the other? I don't even remember. The Galaxy but what do they call that?
Dan: Samsung.
Dean: Yeah, what is that system, though? It's either iOS or the Google platform. Isn't that funny? Android. That's it. There we go. Yeah, yeah. Android, that's the word. It's really come down to a two-horse race. It's either Android or iPhone and iPhone has won the hearts, probably, if not the popular vote among the world. The function of it, this rectangular screen that's largely dictated by the length of our thumbs and our ability to hold the phone in our hands, there's not much else to do to make that all exciting. It's all within the software now so it's the apps that are your linkup to Cloudlandia.
Dan: I think the reason is that there hasn't been any fundamental, scientific breakthroughs.
Dean: Right.
Dan: Everything that we've seen in the last 15 or 20 years is coming off the same fundamental scientific breakthroughs that were essentially created in the '60s, '70s and '80s. What we're looking at is packaging and marketing now. We're not really looking at fundamental scientific breakthroughs. Actually, the most fundamental scientific breakthrough that I've been noticing is in nuclear power where there's a new thing called generation pore nuclear which, one, uses a form of uranium that is not dangerous. It can't be converted to weapons and the second aspect of it is that the nuclear reactors are quite small. They're about the size of a average car garage and they burn their own fuel so when the waste is created by the burning of the nuclear reactor, the waste that comes off that is actually burned so there's no contamination. There's no refuse that's actually contaminating.
Dean: Maybe that's next. Maybe that'll be the iNuke will be the new thing. 1,000 kilowatts in your pocket.
Dan: I think it is because it comes right down the middle between the fossil fuels, which are currently dominating, and then the so-called alternatives which are wind and solar which seem to me to be nowhere. They have a lot of hype to them and they have a lot of government subsidies to them and they're everybody's favorite but if you look at the statistics at the end of each year, energy consumption on the planet, they've increase about 2% since 1990 so that's almost 30 years. They've increased by 2% because people want energy. Alex Epstein, our good conversational friend, says, "People want three things. They want energy that's reliable. They want it cheap and they want it abundant."
Whichever one, this new nuclear seems to check off all three boxes. Bill Gates has spend the last 15, 20 years investigating it and he's piled in billions of his own money into it so that seems like it's worth paying attention to but that would be a new scientific. This would be using a different kind of uranium atom, which is an area of science and a garage-size nuclear reactor would provide all the energy needed for 30,000 homes so a pretty big deal and of course the US Navy has been using reactors like this since the 1950s so all of its aircraft carriers and all of its submarines probably in the last 50 years have been nuclear so it's coming back. You had some bad PR on it in the 1970s and '80s which put nuclear, put it in the doghouse but my feeling is now that this is going to be the next real big breakthrough. That's just one person's view of the internet. You got to look for scientific breakthroughs now, not technological breakthroughs, for the next big thing.
Dean: The interesting thing about this, looking for and watching for these things, I really see now I think we've definitely reached the point for some time now that we're helpless against the amount of new information that's available. I just saw a stat that there are 800 hours of video loaded to YouTube every minute. If you do the math on that, I was just calculating it out that if you take a regular eight-hour day kind of thing, that it would take you 22 years to watch that much video, if that's all you did, to keep on top of one day of just YouTube videos. You start to see where I really think the important thing, as we think about time and convenience now, is the real shortage of aggregators or curators or really specific or higher level finders to maximize your time online. I know you have a short list of sites that you pay attention to every day.
Dan: Yeah.
Dean: We've had the conversation that it's more important for you that it's not about what an algorithm thinks you're looking for. It's that what you don't think you're looking for is going to be the thing that's the most important to you and so that time is there. I wonder if there's a balance in that, you know?
Dan: The big thing is, and I've done a couple tests. I'm calling it tests because I've done it and I'm dignifying it by calling it a test but Babs and I haven't watched any television since July.
Dean: Okay.
Dan: We're pushing a year. We're three months short of a year now.
Dean: Just so I know what no television means, does that mean no Netflix, no anything like that or are you saying not broadcast television?
Dan: Yeah. I'll tell you what I have watched. I watched the second half of the Super Bowl and I watched the second half of one of the late season college games and that's it. That's it. I haven't watched anything else. I haven't turned the TV on and Babs has not either so we haven't watched any news. We haven't watched any. Somebody said, "Oh, this is really amazing. You should watch it," and we come home at night and we make supper and I've got a whole series of Kindle books that I'm reading. We chat and we talk so that's one thing.
Then I have of course you're virtually the only person that I talk to on my cell phone. That's another thing and the other thing is I'm not on Facebook. I'm not on Twitter. I'm not on snapshot. I'm not on LinkedIn and in my office, I don't receive emails except for a work unit so I've got a team of maybe seven or eight people and they will give me progress reports on projects. Nobody else has my email address and no phone calls come to me and no mail comes to me so this is my world. Quite frankly, Dean, it's been a good year.
Dean: Yeah, so far.
Dan: We're moving forward on some really important projects and I don't feel any particular sense that I’m not finding out important things that are going on in the world.
Dean: Right. That makes a lot of sense.
Dan: Yeah. I don't know. Maybe I'm missing stuff. Maybe I'm missing stuff and then you more or less tell me about your movie reviews.
Dean: Yes, exactly.
Dan: As a result, I don't see them. I don't see most of these movies because you give them a thumbs down.
Dean: That's funny
Dan: I don't see them. seen Dumbo. I'd read the reviews of Dumbo and it's really dumbo. Apparently it's a really dumbo film and you shouldn't go to see it.
Dean: Right. That's what they're saying. It's 100-year-old idea. When the circus was big, that was the thing.
Dan: Not only that. They didn't even do justice to the cartoon which came out in 1941, which I found in the day, I thought that was a great movie. Dumbo, that was just a really great movie. First of all, they kept the fact that he could fly till the very late part of the movie.
Dean: Really, it's just common sense, Dan.
Dan: They kept it because elephants can't fly using their ears but in the cartoon here he does it apparently very early in the film.
Dean: I think that cat's been out of the bag forever. You may as well lead with it.
Dan: Yeah, yeah. You shouldn't let the cat out of the bag in the first five minutes.
Dean: That's so funny.
Dan: Yeah, yeah. My sense, what if the 800 hours that YouTube acquires or grows by every minute isn't worth anything? It's not even worth bothering with.
Dean: Right.
Dan: Pretty worthless stuff. My sense is, as we go on, the stuff that ends up on YouTube will be of less and less value.
Dean: I agree. I think that's absolutely what it is. That's just YouTube. I don't know. When you start adding in all the other fake news sites or all the other things that are out there, all the blog posts and Facebook posts and everything, there's an onslaught of it. It's like you say, it's like the ocean. You're swimming in it but there's no way to touch it all.
Dan: Yeah. There's some good stuff on podcasts.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: There's some really terrific stuff.
Dean: Podcasts, I'm with you in that I think podcasts are a intentional choice of people to listen and you're getting immersive attention with podcasts because typically people who are listening to podcasts are otherwise physically engaged in other things. They're driving or they're walking or their body is occupied and we get the mind to have this conversation with them and it's harder to get distracted from a podcast because it's not the visual cues all around that are tempting you to go other places. It's not something that you're going to usually listen to a podcast while you're surfing the internet at the same time. It's typically the immersive thing so that's why I've been such a fan of both consuming them and creating them.
Dan: And creating them.
Dean: Creating them.
Dan: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. The interesting thing is our numbers aren't that high yet because we started recently in history but my Peter Diamandis Exponential Wisdom podcast just crossed a million three weeks ago.
Dean: Wow.
Dan: These are on separate devices so this is a million on separate devices so that's a big number. Did that with Joe as you did with Joe quite a long time ago. You're in the millions. I have a combination of two others that are strategic coach podcasts, Inside Strategic Coach with Shannon Waller and another one called Multiplier Mindset and we will cross a million separate downloads in about two months.
Dean: That's awesome.
Dan: Yeah. It's really and we're seeing the value of this from a purely marketing standpoint with the number of clients who are now coming into Strategic Coach where their first contact with us in the world was they came across the podcast and then they followed up and we're directed to a website where they could find out what we do and then they would proceed even further and sign up for it. I have a new group starting tonight. Actually in about four hours, five hours I'm going to a party at the Ritz Carlton and 70 new Strategic Coach clients from all over the world will come to a party and then they'll have their first workshop tomorrow morning. I'll just do a hand check tomorrow when we get there to how many of them, their original contact with Strategic Coach was actually through a podcast.
Dean: Oh, that's great. Yeah.
Dan: Yeah, yeah. I think it's important and you can keep linking these things to each other. I can link my series with you to the other series that we're actually running so there's a podcast ecosystem that I'm seeing more and more that that's the importance of communication is that you create what are called ecosystems, this thought which is a biological concept that in any part of the world, if you get down and look at it, there are many, many creatures who are actually connected to each other in various kinds of networks and even though they are competing with each other, they're also cooperating with each other and they create ecosystems. You and I are a part of a larger ecosystem of people who talk about all sorts of things. Yeah.
Dean: I have a podcast for my real estate community called Listing Agent Lifestyle and it's just over a year that I've been doing it and I'm noticing something very interesting happening right now in terms of new people joining our Go Go Agent community. On the back of the podcast, and what's been happening, this is particularly interesting in the last couple of months here, that over the year I've been doing the model of having one new real estate agent, a different real estate agent on the podcast and we basically do a coaching session. Walk them through applying all the Listing Agent Lifestyle elements to their business and then interspersed in there, I have a series of episodes where I've been working with Diane in my office, who is on our Go Go Agent team, and she is also a real estate agent here in Winterhaven. We started deploying all of the programs that we teach and talk about and offer to agents in our Go Go Agent program, we started implementing them in August of last year and documenting along the way.
I've had Diane on the podcast maybe four times over the last six months documenting what's going on. What's happening is that now her results are all starting to really fall into place and build momentum and I'm seeing a correlation of new people joining the community and expressly saying that. I actually had a couple of guests on the podcast who said what spurred them to join or to get on were that they'd been listening to the podcast for almost from the beginning, for the year, hadn't done anything and then Diane starts from a standing start and is now starting to get all these results four or five months later and they haven't done anything yet and they realize, "That could've been me." Now they jump on and realize that that's a thing. The power of the podcast is really getting to see the authenticity of something, I think, that you kind of get a deeper understanding of somebody.
Dan: Yeah. I think that it's very, very interesting because I'm kind of a student of politics, student of history, student of trends that go on for not just years but go on for decades and I've come to a conclusion out of the, let's call it the Facebook age, that people realize they can't trust their eyes.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: This is a widespread conclusion and I think it's planet-wide, I think it's not just America-wide, is that what you're being presented to appeal to your eyes cannot be trusted and that would include both pictures. It would include videos. It would include words that appear from your eyes but that if you go a little bit deeper and you go back to the level of hearing, that you actually can trust more things that you hear than what you could see. I just had that feeling this week and I just wonder what you think about that.
Dean: That's very interesting because I think that there's Harry Massey.
Dan: Mm-hmm.
Dean: Harry was just here and he's working on some really exciting things that they're all in energy and bioenergetics and one of the things, I have no idea that this was even possible, but they can diagnose or tell so much about your energy just from your voice print, the patterns in your voice. I was listening to Sirius Satellite Radio, the entrepreneur radio or business radio powered by the Wharton School and they had somebody on there that was doing something similar, talking about the voice patterns. You know how our voices carry and convey energy and you can tell in the tone of someone's voice, you pick up the phone and somebody says, "Hello," before they even say anything you know something's wrong or you know that they're excited about something or that there's something energetically about the pattern or the wave of their voice. I think you might be right, that it's like our eyes could be fooled. It's like hearing maybe is more like touching something, right.
Dan: I think it goes back further. The use of voice goes back forever but the use of images is fairly recent in human affairs, first of all because it's so much easier to talk and to make yourself known by voice than it is to actually translate who you are into some sort of image. I was just thinking about that because this thing of not watching television since July but being involved in hundreds and hundreds of conversations since July and talking and everything like that. I was just appreciating really how much more I make judgments based on what I'm picking up from hearing more than what I'm seeing, like do I want to be involved with this? Does this sound like something I'd really like to invest in and everything like that? I'm discounting what's being presented to me visually and I'm just listening and picking up on voice tone and does that sound right? Does that sound like something I'd want to be involved in?
I was really struck that maybe humans are kind of responding to this overload of visual information by largely discounting it, just out of hand, just saying, "It's being created, most of the visuals are being created to fool me or to hook me and therefore I'm just going to disregard the visual and I'm going to fall back on what I consider to be a more trusted authority inside myself that can make better judgments. That's just a thought I had.
Dean: That's really something. It's interesting because I notice how I feel about it. You can read somebody's podcast or read somebody's writing but then you hear them on a podcast and you have a different sense of them, I think.
Dan: Yeah, I always ask people, like I'll meet people tonight at the party. We have this party tonight and for the most part there'll be 70 people who are coming into Strategic Coach tonight and I may have met 15 of them in some setting but a large portion this'll be the first time. They said, "You know, I listen to your podcast all the time. I listen to you and Dean Jackson all the time," and I said, "Can I ask you a question? Did you think I was taller?"
Dean: That's funny.
Dan: It always gets a big laugh and the reason I ask the point is that from our knowledge of someone's voice, we actually fill in the rest of the picture. We picture whether the person is short, medium, or tall. I would say right now, having asked this question ever since I started my podcast stories going back six or seven years, that most people actually think I'm taller.
Dean: That's so funny and maybe true.
Dan: It is. I may actually be taller.
Dean: You may actually be.
Dan: In spite of the lying evidence of the tape measure, I may actually be a taller person. You can't believe that tape measure because that's a visual piece of information and it may be fake news.
Dean: In Cloudlandia, you'll be able to be any height you want. That's the thing. Your digital avatar you can stretch out a little bit. I heard Jim Collins on the Tim Ferris podcast just recently. It's been in the last couple of months but I just heard it this week and Jim Collins of course is the good-to-great guy, very, very thoughtful guy. It was the first actually time I've heard his voice. It's a very disciplined, scientific kind of thinker but he does something that I found very interesting. He keeps a daily journal, like a log line, on a spreadsheet that in two or three lines says what he did today and documents the number of creative hours that he did.
He decided years ago that he was really fascinated and motivated by ideas and by research and creating stuff rather than creating a business or doing the work. He decided to take sort of an academic approach to the way that he did his work or approached his life and adopted the model kind of a tenured professor, in a way, where the basic time allocation is 50% of your time spent on creative ideas, research, work, that kind of thing, 30% teaching and 20% just stuff that has to get done, administration or whatever. It's kind of an interesting approach of 50, 30, 20.
For him, the most important part was the 50% creative work so he keeps a spreadsheet every day of how many creative hours that he got. He'll put whatever he did during the day, he'll put three creative hours and he'll rate the day on a scale from minus two to plus two, just to get a sense of the pattern of what he was feeling so that over time he'd be able to recognize that there's a correlation between the minus two days. It seems like on minus two days, I'm doing this, that that's the culprit kind of thing. He has a formula set up that the running average, if he's going to average 50% of his time in creative work, it averages out to be about three hours a day and so he does a formula calculation that takes that number and adds the last 365 entries of that number and divides it by 365 and his index has to remain at three or greater.
That's kind of an interesting thing to keep it accountable for because there's no way to allocate. I was taking that same approach with my freed-up hours, my thousand investible hours. That's basically the same thing, three hours a day. Today's the only day I can allocate them. I guess as long as you just go on and continue averaging three a day over a 12-month period, that's the right pace.
Dan: You know what's really interesting is that this, because we have been involved since September, since Labor Day of last year, in having our strategic coach clients in the 10 times program actually measure the hours that they have freed up by using the who to do their how. The how is something that they were doing before. That's the how. They pick someone else and educate them, train them and the who does the hours and so far out of 500 who are taking part in this exercise, we're coming in right now in six months, about 385 hours have been freed up on average. Nearly 85 hours.
Some have not really started so they don't have any hours to show but the top person has freed up 1,850 hours out of 2,300 hours that makes up his work here so he's freed up pretty close to 80, 85% of his time.
Dean: Yes, that was like me. Yes.
Dan: Yeah. Here's my sum total thought that's exercise so far, that it doesn't matter what you count, doesn't matter what part of your life that you count. In other words, you can take any part of your life and attach measurement to it and, provided that you're willing to do it every day, you will immediately, after a short period of time, see progress in that area of your life. Doesn't matter what area of your life that you got. It could be collecting baseball cards. Every day you measure how many baseball cards you've collected that day. You will see growth and expansion and progress in that area of your life. My fundamental understanding of this, anything counted gets better.
Dean: I wonder if there's an element of our brains are wired like machine learning in a way.
Dan: I think there's part of our brain that just likes counting. As the counting goes on, the brain shifts more and more of its resources to the counting activity.
Dean: Yeah.
Dan: There's part of our brain that just thinks that counting is, one, it's really a hoot. It's really a hoot. I really, really like this counting thing but the other thing is it seems to me that the brain feels that real progress is being made through this activity of counting.
Dean: Yes. I agree. I think there really is something to that.
Dan: I think there's something magical about it. I think there's something really magical. For example, you know more than two years ago I started a daily exercise of burning 1,000 calories of physical exercise so whatever amount of time that takes me in the morning to burn 1,000 calories, whatever exercises I need to do, I'm going to do that before breakfast. Today was day 770. 770 days so that's two years and I started in February 19th two years ago, a little bit more than two years ago and I've recorded in every day. One is that except for seven days, so seven out of 770, so every 110 days I decide to be a slacker for a day, generally I've recorded them.
What's interesting, Dean, is all sorts of interesting other numbers have accumulated out of this, sub numbers. There's the main number, 770, but there's a lot of other numbers as well. What's the actual average for those 770 days and which month actually had the best numbers and what's your weight on that day? How much do you weigh on that day and everything like that? I just keep the exercise going and I watch what new ideas for counting actually emerge because I'm doing this one kind of counting but the other thing is I've had five major medical physicals.
Dean: In the two years.
Dan: Yeah and every one of them has improved. I can see in my measurements that come back about my cardiovascular. There's a whole number of tests that you get back from places like the Cleveland Clinic which are part of the physical science of check-ups. You get them back and my nutrition, my cholesterol, what my heart looks like it's doing. All those are better but I wasn't trying to improve those numbers. Those numbers just improved because I was actually just sticking to one measurement. That is before breakfast every day, I would do 1,000 calories. On average, I've averaged about, since the very beginning, I've averaged about 1,000 and 1,000, 1,100, 1,000, 1,100 calories and I've never had a month where I did worse than the month before.
Dean: Wow. How are you measuring? On your iWatch or whatever?
Dan: Yeah. I have a heart monitor so you're burning calories and that's a Polar. I have an old watch- simplest, most basic Polar watch that you can get with a chest band and then there's some numbers that I know. For example, if my average is 104 heartbeats per minute I know I'm burning 10 calories. If I'm at 136 per minute, I know I'm burning 15 calories a minute. I just learned over a long period of time that those are sort of fixed numbers. Then there's a converter on the internet that you punch in age, my age and my weight for that day and I punch in my weight for that day and then the number of minutes that I've worked out that day and then what was the heartbeat average for that length of time and you punch it in and you get your total number of calories per day.
Dean: That's interesting. It's funny about the numbers.
Dan: No, no. I don't want anybody to think that necessarily that they should do what I'm doing. I'm simply saying the thing that interests you most in life, set up a daily exercise of counting how much you do that and you will notice progress in that area. You'll notice greater achievement in that area.
Dean: I've been, over the last few weeks here, kind of acting like a cartographer, I guess, mapping the territory of converting things into Jacksonian units, into 10-minute time here so time telling and recording what the amount of time that it takes to do things. What would be the time-keeping word similar to cartographer who would mapping a territory? How do you quantify something like what we're talking about there that would be the numbers? I know cartographer probably isn't the right word because that's specifically about mapping but it's the same flavor.
Dan: Yeah. I think you could just do a Word document and you could just punch in what the intent is of your project. You could do that but simply say started on a particular day, let's say it's day. It's the end of March. You're just starting today and then just keep a copy of this Word file and then just update it every day. That's how I would do it. Every day just update it and punch in new numbers.
Dean: It's almost like the glossary of the things that you know now. I've been measuring that the units. Just for my personal preference, one unit is exactly the perfect amount of time to sit in my hot tub, just so I know now. It's one thing.
Dan: Here's the thing. You're going to learn some things. You have to be open that your activity of counting is going to tell you over time what's worth counting and what isn't worth counting. Drop some things and some other things will become more important to you. My feeling is that anybody who starts doing this with anything in their life that right now they think is the most important thing in your life, just count it every day how much you do of that thing and you'll immediately see progress in that area of your life. That's all I'm saying here. It doesn't matter what it is and it's not important that anybody else thinks that it's important. It's just that you think it's important.
Dean: I also found out that just, interestingly enough, you can take 1,000 steps in 10 minutes.
Dan: Yes, you can. For most people, if you're a reasonable walker, in other words you're not dawdling but you're actually watching, that 10 minutes will probably create somewhere in the area of 85 to 90 calories of exercise.
Dean: Right. It's fun.
Dan: We're the great counters.
Dean: Yeah.
Dan: The success of the world that we live in right now in the 21st century is the degree to which people count things and where before they didn't count things. I think if there's any impact that the digital world has brought to us is that it's easy to count things and keep track of them in a digital world than it has been previously.
Dean: Yes. Yeah. That's the truth, isn't it? It's easier to interpret all of that stuff.
Dan: Yeah.
Dean: Yeah.
Dan: Yeah, I'm just looking. I'm just looking at my records here. I have my computer in front of me and I started this exercise of counting calories before eating. I started in February of 2017 but I didn't take it seriously enough to actually count every day until July 1st 2017 but I have complete records since July 1st 2017. Every year, I pull up what the previous year's month was. I just pulled up this morning April of 2018 because now I'm comparing myself against my results from a year ago. For example, the calories burnt over 30 days last year were 36,000 calories.
Dean: Wow.
Dan: 1,230 calories per day. Okay. I'm in April now of 2019 and I said, "I've got to beat last year's record. I can't just count again what I did last year. I have to beat it.
Dean: Now all this lean muscle mass that you're building requires more to keep up.
Dan: Not only that, but now it's just unacceptable not to improve.
Dean: That's awesome. That is awesome.
Dan: I think that's just generally a rule if you're a human, a halfway alert, curious, responsive and resourceful human, that just matching what you did last year is just not acceptable. You have to go higher.
Dean: That's true. It's funny how we're wired like that. That's kind of looking for the efficiencies and things, too, in terms of when you start measuring time-keeping of how long things take, that you're just naturally looking for more efficient ways to do things.
Dan: For example, if you had a measurement of Jackson time units used on this day and it was 45, it would not be acceptable to you to merely have 45 useful Jacksons.
Dean: Yeah, that's one of the things that I am sort of aware of is I'm just getting that even spacial awareness now. There's a new Starbucks that just opened in Winterhaven and coincidentally I just happen to live exactly in the middle between the two of them. I could get to one of two Starbucks within 10 minutes of my home.
Dan: One of them is better. One of them is better.
Dean: One of them is better. The new one is better. You're absolutely right.
Dan: Yeah, yeah. There's no question that the new one is better. If it wasn't, there's something wrong with Starbucks.
Dean: That is correct.
Dan: I want him to run. I want Howard Schultz to run.
Dean: You do? Yeah.
Dan: Yeah, yeah. He said he's thinking seriously about running for president and the reason I want him to run is he actually knows something about measurable standards, unlike anybody. He's going to run as a Democrat or something on that side of the line and I want him out there saying, "You know nothing about measuring results," whether it's Bernie Sanders or Kamala Harris or Corey Booker or any of the odd people.
Dean: Beto. Yeah.
Dan: Joe Biden. The only thing Joe Biden knows how to measure is the number of women that he's actually kind of creepily snookered on video. It's up to about 35 videos they now have of him where he's kind of groping a woman on actual video so he's going to get wiped out very quickly with this. Howard Schultz has based his life on actually measuring things. He's a full-fledged, complete, 100% entrepreneur and I would just like to see him in the presidential race talking about the importance of measuring things and getting better results as a result of measurement.
Dean: Yeah, it's going to be next year, I guess.
Dan: Yeah. It's going to be a 10-ring circus. Hands down, the US produces the best political theater on the planet.
Dean: Yes.
Dan: Hands down. There's a presidential election this year in Taiwan. Does that excite you?
Dean: That's true.
Dan: Does not excite me.
Dean: Not here.
Dan: Where it is, any election anywhere on the planet does not excite me but the US it just primo.
Dean: It's the ultimate reality show.
Dan: Education, entertainment value for your dollar.
Dean: Yes. It's true.
Dan: You go with the US and I think that is one of the reasons why they have global dominance is that they just use up everybody's entertainment time.
Dean: Right, eyes on here.
Dan: Entertainment trumps accuracy nine times out of 10.
Dean: That's the truth. I'm looking forward to seeing you in Chicago next week.
Dan: I've got a concept that will blow your mind.
Dean: Really?
Dan: I can't let on what it is.
Dean: Oh boy. It's a week, this time next Sunday.
Dan: A week, you'll be starting to make plans to come over to our Chicago house about this time next week.
Dean: That's exactly right. I can't wait. I've got a Breakthrough Blueprint this week coming up on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Dan: In Florida.
Dean: Here in Orlando. Yeah. Yeah.
Dan: It's almost not work when you do it in Orlando, is it?
Dean: No. Yeah. It's like I've been here all day and now I'll roll over to celebration and we'll spend three amazing days and then we'll show up in Chicago. It's interesting. Alex, who we'll see next week, is the gentleman that works with him, Don, is going to be here at the Breakthrough Blueprint. Alex has who'd himself up from even coming to a Breakthrough Blueprint.
Dan: He's made great progress and he'll tell us about that. Since I met him, which is about five years ago, this is Alex Epstein who wrote a marvelous book called The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. He's just had nonstop winning in terms of the actual result so he's on a roll right now.
Dean: I agree.
Dan: He's a marvelous thinker and I love being a part of any conversation that he's involved with.
Dean: Me, too. I can't wait till next Sunday. I always look forward to it.
Dan: I don't know what we've achieved today but I had fun.
Dean: That in itself, I'm going to rate this a plus two.
Dan: Yeah and I was the one that brought you news just by reading the written reports that don't get to see Dumbo as not a winner.
Dean: No Dumbo for me.
Dan: No Dumbo.
Dean: What I'm afraid of, on Monday night of the Breakthrough Blueprint we always traditionally go to a movie and so Dumbo I saw is one of the choices at the dine-in movies in Orlando so now I know not to see that. The other two now are either Us, which is the guy who did Get Out, his follow-up movie which is breaking all the box office records, and I forget what the other one is. I have to see if I'm going to be willing to be scared enough to go see that.
Dan: No, no. I can't be scared.
Dean: You don't like to be scared.
Dan: No. Life is scary enough.
Dean: That's true. Sometimes we just need to go to make sure we're alive, Dan.
Dan: Yep. Yep. Yep. I know I'm alive. Yeah. My minutes on my cell phone tell me I've been alive for the last year.
Dean: That's awesome. You have a great week and I will see you on Sunday.
Dan: Okay, Dean. Bye.
Dean: Thanks. Bye.